water make up the bulk of
Twenymile Creek

This stream is a very beautiful
medium size stream with a lot
of willing rainbow trout ready
to eat your fly.

can be taken from this small

The best hidden, little known, yet very accessible streams in the park. If you take the time to travel there you will most likely be in for a good day of fly-fishing.
The fish are predominantly rainbows with a few stocked brook trout (so we have been told but cannot substantiate) in the lower part of the stream near its confluence with Cheoah Lake.
Average Fish Size:
The trout in Twentymile Creek are of average size for Smoky Mountains National Park.
Often there isn’t a vehicle at the Ranger Station near the entrance. It’s rarely if ever crowded, yet it’s a very good trout stream.
The Twentymile Trial that follows the stream is generally a good one and provides access for most of the stream but it doesn’t necessarily follow it closely.
Several portions of the stream is a little on the difficult side to access. In some places you must progress upstream in the creek because the banks are thickly covered with trees and brush. Rhododendrons line the banks of the stream in many places. In some places the banks are very steep. Still, negotiating the stream is possible.
Tributary Streams:
Moore Springs Branch is the only sizeable tributary stream but it’ very small and difficult to fish stream because of the tight canopy of overhanging tree limbs.
Twentymile creek is located in a fairly secluded area of the park and is probably the reason it sees only a few anglers as compared to many other streams. Access ranges from easy to tough depending on how far you want to walk. This is an excellent choice for those desiring to explore new streams and areas of the park.
Copyright 2011 James Marsh