Mountains trout stream that is fairly
remote but still easy to get to.

about an average size for the
park. They are aggressive and fun
to catch.

riffles and lots of pocket water. It’s
fairly accessible and currently full
of fish.

Noland Creek is a picture perfect Smoky Mountains trout stream that’s usually passed up by anglers for other streams in the same general area of the park. Noland empties into the Tuckaseegee arm of Fontana Lake. It passes through the Noland Creek Valley.
Stream Size:
This is a medium size trout stream by Smoky Mountains National Park stream standards.
This stream is near Bryson City, North Carolina. The North Shore Road takes you to the stream from Bryson City. The Noland Creek Trailhead is near the Noland Creek Bridge on the North Shore Road. The trail follows the stream most of the way. Access at that point is relatively easy.
Rainbows are the most common species but there are some brown trout in the lower end of the stream as well as some brook trout in the upper parts of the stream.
Average Size Fish:
The fish average a very good size in Noland Creek. The average rainbow trout is probably 6 to 9 inches.
At times there’s a little pressure where the stream is easiest to access but for the most part, it’s rarely crowded. Most of the stream sees few to no anglers.
Tributary Streams:
Noland doesn’t have any tributary streams that are of any substantial size. Bearpen Branch and Mill Creek are two of the small tributary streams. The others tributary streams are all very small.
Bearpen Branch:
Bearpen Branch is a very small steam with a good population of rainbow trout. It’s located about two miles upstream from the Noland Creek Trailhead. Campsite # 65 is nearby.
Mill Creek:
Mill Creek is another small tributary stream of Noland Creek. It’s about four miles upstream of the trailhead. Trout in the lower section of the stream are rainbows. Brook trout can be found in its upper reaches. It has a tributary steam, Springhouse Branch. Access can be gained at some points to Mill Creek and Springhouse Branch via the Springhouse Branch Trail. Campsite #64 is near this confluence.
If you haven’t fished this stream you should give it a try. The section near the North Shore Road is steep but close by and easy to access.
Copyright 2011 James Marsh