of the Cosby Creek Watershed. You
don’t have to hike a long way to find

this are typical for Cosby Creek.
This one is only a short distance
from the campground.

brook trout.

below the campground. This
area of the stream has both
rainbows and brook trout.
Cosby Creek is another of the Park’s streams that is on the borderline of being called a miscellaneous stream. It’s a watershed that’s separated from the other park’s streams by mountain ranges that are located in a more remote area than most others yet it’s easily reached by a paved road that runs through the small community of Cosby, Tennessee. It’s also worth listing separately because of the campground located just inside the park. From the campground upstream you can catch brook trout.
This is one stream that supports brook trout that can be accessed fairly easy. From the campground downstream most of the trout you catch will probably be small to average size rainbows. From the campground upstream you can catch brook trout. Of course the lower part of the stream contains a mixture of both.
Those anglers that are looking for water that is easily accessed from an area that does not have the hustle and bustle of Gatlinburg, Cherokee, Bryson City or Townsend tourist crowds may consider Cosby Creek provided they are not seeking to catch large brown or rainbow trout.
Rainbows exist in the stream for the most part down stream from the campground but they usually are small to average in size. Brook trout that can be found fairly easy without making an extended hike into the back country may be the main drawing card for this area of the park. Those that want to venture farther back into the steep areas of the mountains for brookies can certainly do so, however.
Stream Size:
The size of this stream ranges from very small in its uppermost reaches to an average size small stream in its lower reaches.
Average Fish Size:
The average size of the rainbow trout in Cosby Creek is on the small side for the park’s streams. The brook trout are generally of average size for the park.
Tributary Streams:
The tributary streams, of Rock Creek, Inadu, Toms and Crying Creek are all very small brook trout streams.
The popularity of this stream is average to low. Since it’s located in a rural populated area and not very near a tourist town, it sees less anglers than many of the park’s streams.
The difficulty of fishing this stream varies greatly with the specific location you are fishing. It ranges from fairly easy to very difficult. The fish are aggressive enough but the going is sometimes tough. Much of the stream is tightly enclosed with tree limbs and bushes.
This is a good stream for those anglers who want to catch some brook trout but don’t want to have to hike very far to do it.
Copyright 2011 James Marsh

riffles and a few runs. Right near the end of the white water where it slows down just a little is a perfect place to catch a brook trout. In fact, Angie caught two from this very pool just before this shot was taken.