Water temperatures (stated here in Fahrenheit) are a very important consideration. To toss out some general rules of thumb, trout in water that is less than 40 degrees feed very little and can be difficult to locate and catch. Water that is in the low forties, from 40 to 45 degrees, provides a tougher challenge for you, but are very catchable, provided you find them and fish using the best methods to catch them. Water that ranges from 45 to 50 degrees can provide anything from a tough challenge to very easy fishing conditions depending on a lot of other things. You can catch as many trout in 50 degree water as it is possible to catch, but in 45 degree water you may find it difficult to catch them. Water temperatures that range from 50 to 60 degrees is considered the best range to catch trout. Form 60 to 70 degrees, you will find the situation reverses. Water that ranges between 60 to 70 degrees can be just as difficult to fish as water that ranges between 40 and 50 degrees. Near 60 is usually related to acceptable conditions and near 70 is usually related to unacceptable conditions.
Water temperature is not the direct factor that controls the amount the trout eat and the extent they feed. It’s only an indirect factor that can serve as a general guideline. There can be many exceptions to the guidelines that i’m providing.
Copyright 2011 James Marsh