the streams of the park. Dry fly
fishing is often excellent . You
usually have the water to yourself.

Autumn Brown, is just one of the
hatches that occur suring the
autumn season.

snow on this late October day. The
blue bird skies and snow capped
peaks remind you that a cold front
has recently passed.

it. This one is about the average
size you can expect to catch but
there are much larger ones.
When To Come and What To Expect:
October, November and December:
October is one of our favorite times of the year to fish Great Smoky Mountains National Park. It’s also usually the busiest time for visitors to the park. To those of us that regularly fish the Smokies, October always brings a welcome change in the hot days that we have become used to.
By the middle of the month, the trees in the higher elevations will begin to change into their fall colors. Near the end of the month, the fall foliage will be at its peak in the highest elevations. Elk will begin to bugle this month. Fall festivities will be in full swing. Before the month is over, the brown trout will come out of their normal hiding places and begin to move upstream to their spawning areas. Brook trout will begin to spawn in the higher elevations. The fall spawning colors of the brook trout are something to behold. Falling leaves may be a problem but the days they adversely affect the fishing are very few and usually follow periods of high wind.
Hatches will pick up during October. Several species of caddis will begin to hatch and the Blue-winged Olives will show up before the month ends bringing with them opportunities to catch trout on the surface.
The first part of November almost always provides excellent opportunities to catch plenty of trout, even on the dry fly. It’s also the most beautiful time to be in the Smokies. The background of the streams will be painted in gorgeous colors of scarlet, orange, maroon and gold. The fall foliage will be at its peak in the lower elevations. November is also a very busy time for the park. The “leaf lookers” will be out in full force.
Both Brown and Brook Trout will spawn during this month. The brown trout will be getting into high gear and the brook trout will be ending their spawning cycle before the month is over.
This is a good time for me to mention that wading can affect the brown and brook trout’s redds or beds where they deposit their eggs. Anglers should avoid trying to catch the spawning trout but many do. There should be no satisfaction in harassing spawning trout that are trying to protect their redds.
All things considered, the month of November is one of the best months of the year to plan a fly fishing trip to the Smokies. You will have to carefully watch the weather. The long range forecast should clue you in as to what to expect. Make sure you plan the trip at the right time, especially towards the end of the month.
December can be a little on the “iffy” side weather wise. Normally, cold weather doesn’t start until about the middle of the month. The first part of December often turns out to be a very good time to fish. The weather is often mild and it is comfortable to be outside. If you live within a day’s drive of the park and the weather forecast is calling for a warm spell, you could be in for a good late season fishing trip provided you can come on a short notice.
Thousand of families travel to Pigeon Forge and Gatlinburg just to see the Christmas decorations and to shop in the hundreds of stores for the holidays. It can be a good time to sneak away to get into some fishing while the wife spends all your money. You will be able to pick your spot to fish from the best locations in the park. It is a good time to catch a large brown trout.
Copyright 2011 James Marsh

Smokies. Blue-winged Olives are
hatching and the trout are active.

the dry fly this October day in Road
Prong just below the Chimney
Trailhead. It is a great time to
catch a trophy.

the long runs like the one above.
Start at the tail end of the run and
work up stream.

peak. It is early November and the
leaves are still on the trees. The
temperature in Gatlinburg reached
over seventy degrees this same