exactly a good place to fish
this day. There are areas of
solid ice around the rocks with
snow on them in this scene.
The water temperature
temperature was 32 degrees.

sight throughout the year

spring. They are often found
in very shallow water during
the spawn.
Fly fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park is great during all four seasons of the year. There are difference in the methods, strategies and techniques you should use throughout the year depending on the environmental conditions. The water temperature controls to a large extent just how often and much trout feed. It’s important to understand their underwater world and how the changes in weather affects them.

the year.
Click on the season for information on fishing at different times of the year.
Autumn brings some very fine dry fly fishing that many anglers fail to take advantage of. They usually put their fly rods up too soon. The weather is normally very nice and cool and it’s usually a great time to be outdoors. If you haven’t fly fished in the Smokies during the Autumn season, you should give it a try.
Copyright 2011James Marsh

Creek is usually excellent. The
fish can run very large coming
out of Fontana Lake.

River. Angie is fishing the
Blue Quill hatch in this scene.

good fishing, it also provides
the best background for fly
fishing. The colors of the
leaves adds to the pleasure
of fishing even though they
sometimes catch you fly.