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James Marsh

Freestone Streams -Part One

6/17/08 When we were fishing the Great Smoky Mountains National Park last week, mygrandson ask me “where does the water come from”. I thought that was a goodquestion and maybe one that a lot of other folks may not have thought about. A freestone stream is born at the top of mountains as drops of rainwater andmelting snowflakes. As gravity forces these droplets to seep… Read More »Freestone Streams -Part One

More on Fishing Cold Water

January (1/09/08): I will try to answer three different questions in email I received from the coldwater article of January 6, 2008.1. The first question was pertaining to when to use dry flies and when to usenymphs. Making this decision solely based on water temperature could be a bigmistake. There are times when you may want to fish a nymph when the watertemperature is 55… Read More »More on Fishing Cold Water

Spawning Brown Trout

(10/27/07):We recently returned from Yellowstone National Park where the brown trout areahead of Smoky Mountain brown trout with their annual spawning process. Ofcourse this is due to Yellowstone’s climate which results in water temperaturesthat are much lower at this time of year than here in the Smokies.Yesterday we noticed that the brown trout have already begin the spawningprocess in the Smokies. Of course it is… Read More »Spawning Brown Trout

Straight Fork Stream Water Temperature

(8/14/07):Angie and I just returned from Wisconsin where we had been fishing the lovelysmall spring creeks to find several emails from this website as well as ourYellowstone website ( regardingwater temperatures in both parks. In general, they were concerned about thevery high temperatures and low water conditions in both locations.Normally this time of year we fish early in the mornings in the park. I say… Read More »Straight Fork Stream Water Temperature

East Prong of the Little River Terrestrial Hopper/Beetle Rig

(8/9//07):We have recently returned from the New England area and did not have time toget this out prior to leaving. Prior to our departure at the end of July, we fishedthe Little River after the water was back down to a fairly low level andtemperatures were again reaching the high sixties during the afternoon. For acouple of days, late in the day, we had quite… Read More »East Prong of the Little River Terrestrial Hopper/Beetle Rig

November Oconaluftee River Trout

(5/20/07):It was cold day in November, 2006, but it had not been cold long enough to bringthe water temperatures down very much in the Oconaluftee River. The watertemperature was showing 55 degrees on my thermometer although the airtemperature was only about 40 degrees when we started. It was too cold forAngie this morning so, guess what? I got to fish for a change.Angie was going… Read More »November Oconaluftee River Trout

Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Report – May 24, 2021

All the streams in the park are turning out good numbers of trout for our Perfect Fly customers. The streams are below normal levels. Today will be sunny and warm.  Smoky Mountain Stream Conditions:The streams with links that have nearby USGS Station Real-time stream data: Click the links to see updates: Little River:  Rate 151 cfs at 1.84 ft(Good wading up to 250 cfs and with extra caution up… Read More »Great Smoky Mountains Fly Fishing Report – May 24, 2021